10 questions to ask

when designing a logo


Successful logo design occurs when the client and the graphic designer collaborate effectively and this means asking the right questions.

Once price, timelines and responsibilities have been discussed, the designer must ask a series of further questions. This will enable them to get to know more about you, your company, its strategies, ambitions and goals before getting creative. When we have these 'discovery calls' with our clients we like to say it helps us really 'get under the skin' of their brand, whether this is a new one, or an existing one that is going through a rebrand/refresh.

These questions may include the following:

  1. What are the values and/or mission statement of your company?

  2. Who’s your target market?

  3. Who are your main competitors and how do you want to differentiate your offering from theirs?

  4. What are the long-term goals of the company?

  5. What logos do you like and why?

  6. What brands do you look up to and why?

  7. What colour or colour palettes do you like and why?

  8. What adjectives describe how you’d like your logo to make people feel?

  9. Do you want any text/wording or a tagline to be included?

  10. What other marketing materials do you already have (if any) for this brand?

For more information on the importance of a professional logo see our article on logo design

For more information on the importance of a professional logo see our article on logo design.

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