Inclusive pricing means
no nasty surprises
You might not be familiar with the term “drip-pricing” but lots of businesses use it to persuade customers to buy from them. Drip pricing is the practice of advertising a from £x price that can be difficult, or sometimes impossible to get.
Obviously, there are advantages in having a misleadingly low headline price, as it can pique a customer’s interest and draw them into the buying process, without them being aware of the true price. It can then take a lot of time and effort to get the full story, once you have factored in extras and additional costs, not to mention insurance and a complex selection of waivers.
Airlines, holiday companies, car dealerships and car rental businesses are amongst some of the worst offenders. A colleague of mine wanted to buy a flight to Malaga in Spain earlier in the year, which was offered by Jet2 as being available from £89 return. On closer inspection however, she found that once she had selected her preferred dates, added in seats for both legs of the journey and a reasonable luggage allowance, not to mention insurance, that the figure was more like £249. Hardly the same enticing price that was being offered and which she had sought.
And its not just big companies that want to deceive you, plenty of smaller businesses want to hook you in by dangling a tantislingly low price in front of you. But at Pixooma, our values are different. We believe in being fair and honest, and not only when it comes to pricing.
Its not just big companies that want to deceive you, plenty of smaller businesses want to hook you in by dangling a tantislingly low price in front of you
Find out what’s included
From the word go, we tell our clients what to expect, what’s included and what it will cost at every stage of the project. We can do this because we spend time with our clients finding out exactly what they need and are then able to provide accurate costings based on years of experience and of course our detailed knowledge of the creative process.
So, our advice to you is simple. If a graphic designer has offered you a bargain price for some creative work, we urge you to find out what’s included. The following questions should help you to ascertain if what you are getting is what you think you are getting.
Transparency is key
At Pixooma, we provide a service that’s efficient, fair and transparent. If we were to answer the above questions, the following answers would apply every time.
When choosing a creative partner, check what's included and what the total cost is, not just the advertised rate. This way you will be happy from the outset.
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