

When it comes to remembering passwords, I think we’re all in the same boat. Let’s face it there are just so many. And we all know that security is critical. But we are forever being told that when it comes to passwords we shouldn’t:

Write them down

Make them easy to remember

Repeat them


But when faced with having to come up with a new one, how many of us struggle to know what to use? Because we are all wondering whether it’s better to have difficult to guess passwords stored in your house/office securely, or easy to remember ones in your head?

This was the situation at Pixooma until the discovery of LastPass – other password managers are available. A big thank you to Chris Lambert from Datasense for this gem, our experience with passwords is now a completely different one.

Is it better to have difficult to guess passwords stored in your house/office securely, or easy to remember ones in your head?

The joy of a master password

If you’ve heard of it but not tried it, then now is the time to find out more. Yes, you are committing your passwords to an online service, but it has a master password that we don’t write down, so we only need to remember one, and it is a secure one with two factor authentication. Plus, each time you enter a new password on a new site, LastPass will ask you if you want to save it, so you don’t need to manually add anything either.

So, what else is great about LastPass? Here are some advantages we have come across:

The basic software is free. The premium version which has more features is only £2.60 per month

It’s easy to use

Ability to sync across all your devices

It has a Password Generator which is helpful

It automatically challenges your passwords if it feels they are not as secure as they could be.

You can access your passwords anywhere. No more scrabbling around to find your book of passwords

You can have an app on your phone, tablet etc that can use two factor authentication or Biometrics to secure it

LastPass utilizes Zero-Knowledge Encryption, which means that the data you store in the vault is viewable only to you – even the staff in LastPass won’t be able to read it, even if they wanted to

It will generally autofill any passwords as needed, but you can manually access the passwords if needed

It also works with secure logins, like banking portals!

And in terms of disadvantages, we have yet to come across any, but we understand that some users have had trouble logging in, whilst other find it fiddly or clunky and there are some websites which are not fully compatible, which can of course limit the ease of use. But our advice for an easier way of working is to get some type of password manager, because it makes it easy for you to use long, complex, unique passwords across different sites and services, with no need to remember them!

If you have used other apps and tools which might work better than the ones we have highlighted above, please get and touch and tell us about them. We're always interested in finding out about other options, which might give us a better business edge in the future.

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