Top tips for creating

a successful brand identity


For your business to be successful, you need to create emotional connections with your target audience through your messaging, marketing, and engagement.

Your brand identity is the most valuable asset in your business and sums up how your brand looks, feels, and speaks to customers. This takes time, research, thought and planning to achieve, but you will need to be in it for the long-haul, making sure that you:

  1. Identify your purpose

  2. Research your competition

  3. Decide on your target audience.

  4. Agree key qualities and benefits.

  5. Establish your personality

  6. Define a unique brand voice.

  7. Develop a story and messaging

  8. Think about colour, imagery, typeface and fonts

  9. Invest in a memorable and engaging visual identity (logo and tagline)

  10. Integrate your brand into every aspect of your business and ensure consistency

For more information on the importance of a professional brand see our article on brand design

For more information on the importance of a professional brand see our article on branding.

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