What’s involved

in producing a magazine?


One secret to producing a magazine is good planning. This will ensure resources are used effectively, deadlines are met, and budgets adhered to. 

For more information on starting your own business magazine read our 10 Secrets to a great magazine

To ensure the process of producing your next magazine is easier and less stressful, here are the stages that you need to follow:

  • 1. Objectives

    What are your objectives/goals for this new magazine? Is it brand awareness, to generate direct sales, simply information…?

  • 2. Research

    Research magazine opportunities, competitors, marketplace and brainstorm style, title and other design concepts.

  • 3. Specification

    Decide on the type of magazine - self funding, advertiser-funded, consumer, trade, commercial etc. Will this be online-only, printed, or a hybrid of both? What size and number of pages will it be?

  • 4. Audience

    Work out your ideal target audience and ensure you have their correct contact details so they don't miss an issue.

  • 5. People

    Get people onboard – staff, writers, editors, proofreaders, photographers, designers, printers etc. These might be staff members or trusted partners you can outsource to, to create a virtual team.

  • 6. Content

    Compile a comprehensive (and realistic) content plan. With a regular publication whilst one issue is in production, the next will already be being written, and future issues will be planned, so that you don't run out of content, or miss key deadlines.

  • 7. Schedule

    Produce a production schedule and keep it realistic. You need to include key dates and milestones, but also have some 'buffers' of time to allow for late delivery of content, technical issues etc. 

  • 8. Confirm

    Confirm budget, frequency, key dates and schedule milestones, and roles and responsibilities.

  • 9. Links

    Establish links to your online presence (website, social media, etc.). And post frequently to maintain awareness of the magazine.

  • 10. Community

    Build a community around your content, so people talk about you and share the magazine with others!

For more information on starting your own business magazine read our 10 Secrets to a great magazine

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