Who do you trust

in a crisis?


Mark Coster

Founder of Pixooma

A crisis, like the one we are currently experiencing, brings out the best and worst in brands and businesses, and or course in customers as well. At a time when brand promises are being severely tested and there are a plethora of outrageous claims and guarantees – we need to know who we can trust.

With shifts in the daily news and people’s behaviours and priorities changing more frequently, we don’t want brands and businesses to sell at us shamelessly, nor do we want them bragging about all the amazing things they are doing to make a difference. No, what we need to steady the ship is quite simple; we want businesses and brands to put people in front of profit and display true altruism.

So, regardless of whether you are a media channel, a supermarket chain, the Government or a small business, your obligations to your audience remain the same. This is not a time to disappear, this is a time to stand up and be counted. Because as consumers we want to be:

Dealt with as a person, not a number or statistic

Sure they understand why you are responding in the way that you are and more importantly what you are doing differently to help

Certain that you have prioritised the health, welfare and safety of your employees, as well as being reassured of the same level of care and support to us

Kept regularly informed with relevant and up-to-date information and data

Communicated to in a genuine, honest, authentic and easy to understand manner

Offered practical help and advice including being shown ways to do things differently

Certain our expectations are being met and if not understand why without being too disappointed

Reassured that our loyalty is appreciated

Offered more choice, including flexible ways to pay

It does not mean you should simply flit like a butterfly every five minutes from one job to the next – this clearly isn’t a sensible use of your time

What we at Pixooma offer our customers is what we expect as customers of other brands and businesses. Essentially, our communications are three-fold:

Empathetic – we use the right tone and approach, this includes being understanding, cautious with optimism, open and trusting about the future, whilst also offering the ability for everyone to work together to find appropriate solutions.

Engaging – we engage with suppliers, customers, prospective customers, partners and business colleague/contacts to inspire confidence in Pixooma, as well as offering essential help and support all the way.

Education – we use multiple channels to educate everyone we know on the criticality of the situation, the steps we have taken to manage the crisis, whilst also educating them on the actions taken to support everyone we are involved with.

And for those that follow the new rules, there will be rewards at the end of this. Those brands who take the lead, will find that their future post-crisis will offer increased engagement, loyalty, trust and of course sales.

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