You don't need
to go to Mars
Mark Coster
Founder of Pixooma
Recently we learned that NASA's Mars rover, 'Opportunity' had stopped working after a serious dust storm had hampered its solar panels, starving it of battery life.
Now you might think, why on earth (or Mars) did they not give it better batteries or an alternative source of power? Well, the truth is that although NASA made all the equipment suitable for a long mission, there were lots of unknowns so they planned their mission around the expectation that it may only survive for 90 days. In reality, Opportunity kept on working for 15 YEARS, so it did pretty well!
By taking such a careful approach to our business our clients know that they can rely on us every step of the way
Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and prioritise!
I also take the same approach with Pixooma - ok not to the same extremes, nor with quite the same level of jeopardy, but the principle still holds, and this is how:
Are we being a bit pessimistic?
Ok, so we don't plan multi-billion dollar missions to Mars, but by taking such a careful approach to our business our clients know that they can rely on us every step of the way. Disasters and technical issues do happen, but we don't let our clients down by missing critical deadlines. Does every company you deal with do that?
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