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Many brands tell a good story about the power and strength of their client relationships. But when you delve down a little deeper into what they are doing to maintain those important connections, it can sometimes fall a little short.

Don’t let customer appreciation become a lost art

Acknowledging clients is important for many reasons. Firstly, it can help make customers happy. And a happy customer is more likely to not only come back and use your services again, but to also spread the word about what you do. This can help build your brand's reputation as a good company to do business with. Secondly, in an era of globalisation, impersonal online shopping and fast-paced lifestyles, customer appreciation is becoming a lost art, so taking an old-school, back-to-basics approach to customer appreciation can help your business to stand out. And finally, because people just like to feel valued!

To ensure you are getting this right in your business, we think it’s essential to go back to basics and answer that question about why you are in business. The answer to this is usually quite simple – to make a difference to people’s lives. And when you add another strand to that and put yourself in the shoes of your client, it’s easy to discover that all we really want is to be noticed and feel that we matter.

A happy customer is more likely to  come back and use your services again, but to also spread the word about what you do.

Do something

Ok, so with this in mind, it should be easy to respond to clients in a meaningful way. So, are you doing that, or instead do you find yourself floundering? Worried that your acknowledgements or thank you attempts will be seen as cheesy or insincere? Well let’s be honest. It’s better to do something than nothing. No client likes to feel unappreciated, or worse still ignored.

Recently we have been doing some research online and it seems that when it comes to customer appreciation two things apply:

Sincerity trumps gimmicks

You need to show that you truly care for your clients and are thankful for the role that they play in the continued success of your business

With this in mind, we have been revisiting the ways in which we acknowledge our clients. Everything from a simple email thanking them for putting their trust in us when we start working with them, to more exciting communications like designing and producing our own range of thank you cards which will be sent when clients either:

Refer us

Give us a testimonial or review

Use our services on a repeat basis

We are also working on some celebration cards too. These will primarily be for business anniversaries, birthdays and other times when we want our clients, prospects, suppliers, partners and other business contacts to know that we are thinking about them and want them to feel special!

As some of you may receive one of our cards in the coming months, we would love your feedback and thoughts on how they made you feel?

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